Preparation for the 2008/09 season kicks off on Monday 26th May for a select group of young stingrays involved in the winter skills program. The intensive sessions will focus on improving shot range and enhancing bowling actions over a 6 week period at Adelaide Oval indoor nets. There will be a major focus on video analysis. Specialist sessions will also be held for spin bowlers and keepers.
A similar program for juniors will commence shortly involving coaching staff and specialist coaches from across the club. This program will be held at Reynella East School gym. Watch the junior page (and your letterbox) for more info on this program from Junior coordinator Paul Campbell.
Finally, another group of senior players have begun a strength and conditioning program at In-shape Gym at the Noarlunga Aquatic Centre. The groups focus will be on improving core strength, range of motion, power and general endurance. This group will work for 12 weeks in the lead up to pre-season training in an attempt to kick start their seasons, and lessen the likelihood of injury during the season.
Posted by Abe Moore (HP coach)
May 25th 2008