Payment in full will only be accepted. Anyone who wishes to discuss a reduction in subs or paying on a part payment program will need to contact the Cricket Committee to discuss their situation by 22/10/09.
Seniors (Men)Full Price = $370. Discounted price (if fees paid by due date) = $350
Students playing Seniors (Men)Must be Full time students at TAFE, University or High School, i.e. have a student card which states studying full time.Full Price = $305 Discounted Price (if fees paid by due date) = $285
Playing Life Members (Men)Full Price = $80 Discounted price = $60 (if fees paid by due date)
Juniors (Boys)Full Price = $140 Discounted price (if fees paid by due date) = $130$10 ball fees each game.
Women (Full Season)Full price = $195 Discounted Price (if fees paid by due date) = $185
Women C Grade 20/20 (per game)$10 per game
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