That time of year again, the club AGM will be held on Sunday May 26, at 10:00 am at the Bice Oval clubrooms. Nominations for the positions of President, Secretary, Treasurer, Grounds Coordinator, Cricket Committee Chairman, Junior Coordinator, Women's Coordinator and general committee positions are being sort by the club.
If anyone is interested in serving the club in these positions please contact Harvey Jolly on 0438 928 369 or via email jollyfam@tpg.com.au and a nomination form will be provided.
The Annual Report and Club Financials will be presented at the meeting. The club has a great band of volunteers but is always looking for people who can assist, areas such as media, sponsorship, social and fundraising are all important area's that help build our club. If you wish to help but can't stand for a committee position it would be great for you to come to the AGM and comunicate this.
We have an exciting year in front of us, we have built up our facilities in recent years including new change rooms, new hard wicket nets and rennovated centre wicket, we have also worked with the Christies Beach Sports and Social Club and Christies Beach Football Club to establish a facility that will house a gym which can be utilised by all clubs. We have future objectives to upgrade equipment and improve facilities at O'Sullivan's Beach. All these inititiaves either achieved or to be achieved need peoples energy, it would be great for you to be part of this.
See you at the AGM, get on board and be part of an exciting future.
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